So we have an upcoming eventual mega market crash - stocks/sp500/nasdaq composite index which will simply obliterate BTC and on the other hand we have Jeff Booth, Greg Foss, Michael Saylor and the rest of the mega bulls saying it's pure math and a matter of time before BTC 200-300k+! Let's discuss!

So US Government decides to increase yield on bonds , reduce reckless money printing and a bunch of other decisions that will eventually make stock investors move a lot of their money from stocks to bonds. Basically stocks become kind of a risky and uncertain assets while bonds become the opposite, safe haven, almost zero risk and guaranteed yield. That will eventually crash stocks/sp500 and so on. Understandably this means all huge institutional investors will take their money out of BTC. At best we are expecting another 2-3 to 4 year bear market before markets start to recover. BTC may as well go 10k under easily and stay other for a long time.

On the other hand Jeff Booth and Greg Floss may say that government can reduce money printing and improve bonds yields but that's just a temporary and eventually they will have to start printing lots of money again to avoid stock markets to crash because nobody wants that. Also they may say inflation is going to get worse and worse due to the money printing and the best bet against inflation is Bitcoin.

But my opinion is that Bitcoin is not dependant on reddit uses/bitcoin forums/youtube gurus etc. It's dependant on the big money! And big money is controlled mostly by people who consider BTC a very risky asset!

So I'm thinking who exactly is going to put a lot of money in Bitcoin in a market crisis where stock are going down by 50% and more in a couple of weeks/months. Who is going to risk it? Also is US Government really able to prevent another mega stock market crash? Nasdaq Composite Index is currently at all time highs up currently up around 600% from 2010!

Let's discuss this topic until we figure out every possible scenario!

submitted by /u/gen66
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