Can Bitcoin succeed as a currency and support economic growth with such low inflation?

I've seen the argument made that Bitcoin's value proposition of being a store of value is at odds with the ambition for it to become a global currency since it has very low inflation and inflation is a necessary property of a currency for it to support economic growth. "Money: The True Story of a Made-Up Thing" talks about how this was a problem on the gold standard, that at times there wasn't sufficient money supply to support economic activity since it was limited by the rate gold could be mined. Is Jeff Booth correct, that we can move to an economy that is deflationary instead? tbh I have to read his book to fully understand his ideas about that. I have thought for a long time that the idea of perpetual economic growth is flawed anyway.

Edit: to be clear, I'm heavily long Bitcoin. The purpose of this post is to hear counter-arguments. It doesn't represent my personal view. I'm anti-inflation.

submitted by /u/Elume
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