Other than blocksize, what are the 3 most important distinctions that the bitcoin cash community would like non-crypto people to be aware of between BTC and BCH? 🤔

I'm not an expert but I plan to become an expert someday in the future because I envision that within 50 years, everybody will need to understand crypto because I believe that crypto is currently in the process of changing the world. (similar to how Dall-E is changing the art world like how Amazon put nearly all the shopping malls in America out of business)

I have been told the following from some guy on discord and I would like to know if it is true:

Discord guy: Something about how segwit makes BTC less secure

Can someone tell me what he is talking about in 2 sentences maximum? I'm not dumb enough to believe that the BTC devs would willingly and/or knowingly make their version of crypto less secure. Was the guy on discord pulling my leg or do the BCH people truly believe this?

My next question is regarding what "protects" the uniqueness of BCH? What if half of the "big names" within the BCH community (such as Roger Ver) have a fight with the other half of the BCH community (and the dev team is split 50/50) and two new BCH chains are created?

I'm aware of the BSV split and also the guy with a weird name's split. Amaury Sachet? I think his fork was called Bitcoin Cash ABC but my memory is horrible so don't quote me on that.

Let's pretend that something like the BSV split happens again but it perfectly splits the BCH community 50/50 evenly rather than 80/20 (as I'm under the impression that only 20% of the "big names" in BCH were in favor of BSV and they took 20% of the community and eco-system with them).

If I made any mistakes in this post in the history of BCH, please forgive me. I'm a Mormon musician with an autistic child and that is what my post history will tell you. I'm not a crypto person at all. (although I wish to become one)

I am a fan of BTC also because I really like "bitusher" on the bitcoin beginners forum. He is either God or an AI because he always leaves an extremely informative answer within 1 hour every time I post a question there (or several questions). However, I hate "Theymos" so badly that it cancels my admiration for BitUsher.

What I like about the BCH community is they are the side of logic and reason. The BTC community (by contrast) is the side of "muscle" where if you say the wrong thing, they will come after you or try to ruin your reputation. I'm a Godly person and I will always support the side which has the "moral high ground" metaphorically speaking (which BCH currently holds):


Thank you for reading and I know I rambled a bit so feel free to just answer the question in the title or correct any mistakes I made describing the history of Bitcoin Cash.


TL;DR: Other than blocksize, what are the 3 most important distinctions that the bitcoin cash community would like non-crypto people to be aware of between BTC and BCH? 🤔

submitted by /u/SignificantMeal1428
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/xm9q99/other_than_blocksize_what_are_the_3_most/
