Lightning Network is a dead horse. You can stop beating it now.

Bitcoin Cash does not benefit in any way from the failures of Lightning Network. And for laser-eyed BTC believers, the adoption or lack thereof of LN is irrelevant. Digital gold is like a religion to them, and they will remain maximalists regardless of LN adoption.

It is no longer 2017. The most activity and growth right now is in defi and smart contracts. These will gradually make BTC less and less relevant, but they have the same effect on BCH. The implosion of SmartBCH was much more devastating for BCH than the languishing of LN ever will be for BTC.

The intense focus on LN is just a sad distraction from this fact. BCH is not competing with LN, it is competing with stablecoins and smart contract platforms.

My rant is over, you may now downvote :)

submitted by /u/Sugarbird676
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