my own ideas to start building a passive income with crypto

as days passed I became more and more concerned about how I could possibly earn any realistic amount of passive income with crypto that wasn't barred with inaccessibility issues for those that didn't have the right amount of funds to start and I came out with some possible ideas that I will list down below just to discuss with you guys how I could possibly start building a realistic way to earn passive income with crypto assets, but almost al methods appears to be impossible to achieve, let alone unrealizable:

token burning: I've heard people started burning tokens just to be able to earn a specific transactions within' the proof of burn method, but generating tokens is currently impossible without owning at least some small amounts of crypto coins (ETH in particular) and using a weaker computer to generate them so what's the alternative?

NFT minting: currently you need to have at least some smaller amounts of crypto tokens in your wallet and it is impossible to start profiting as a total beginner in the first place. Gas fees aren't ETH, possibly there are other ways various blockchains implement their own versions of NFTs but I haven't checked them (possibly they are structured in the same way).

running a lightning node: possibly the most practical way to earn passive income (even the tiny nation of El Salvador uses them). I don't care if it's not profitable but the catch is that most software used to manage lightning nodes are on ARM and not on x86, I wonder how possible is it to run and build your own scripts from scratch on x86_64 computers.

setting up a custodial wallet: you could theoretically start your own custodial wallet in order to host other people crypto assets in exchange for a fee. But it's not actually an easy thing to do since there would be problems by others trusting you and your account, I guess there are indeed some kind of software capable of automating this process on either linux or windows, but I ain't currently aware about them.

announcement mining: possibly one of the most "esoteric" forms of mining I've ever heard at the moment. you don't mine for blocks, you mine the so-called "announcements" from your computer. I only ever seen it being used in PKTcash and nothing else.

submitted by /u/Unique_Lake
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