Sunday, 20 March 2022

What do you guys think would happen to BTC is Satoshi suddenly decided to use his BCH?

submitted by /u/Infinite_Ad1826
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March 19, 2022. Today marks the day, I purchased my first crypto. I will continue buying for the next month, until I have a complete coin. Made a small purchase today to get the feel for it. More to come soon 💥.

March 19, 2022. Today marks the day, I purchased my first crypto. I will continue buying for the next month, until I have a complete coin. Made a small purchase today to get the feel for it. More to come soon 💥. submitted by /u/goldkinginbc
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Bitcoin Cash (BCH) está por ser declarado Moneda de curso legal en la isla caribeña de St.Martin

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) está por ser declarado Moneda de curso legal en la isla caribeña de St.Martin submitted by /u/XolosRamirez
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What is your preferred method for seed phrase storage?

Looking into a better way to store my seed phrase. I was browsing online and found titanium plates that you punch things into and stuff...but I am not sure if I am a fan of that. If someone finds the plate, which I get I can make as difficult as possible, they still get all the info they need.

Then I was reading about storing half the phrase in different locations, which is a great idea, but I also have horrible ADHD memory span so a bit nervous trusting something very important to "remember this spot". Usually very important things stick pretty well for me but this is basically my future nest egg so I am very cautious.

Basically, trying to think of a way to store my seed phrase where there isn't a physical copy of it written down per say but I will always be able to access my seed phrase. Basically boil it down to only 2 ways to obtain my seed phrase: Hack it of beat it out of me.

I'm sure I am over thinking this shit...

submitted by /u/SloppyDonkeyQueef
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This is an appreciation post to u/1bch1musd for helping me setup and SPV Server for Bitcoin

I would like to thank members of this community, especially /u/1bch1musd, for helping me setup an SPV server for Bitcoin, coming soon for BCH too :). Fulcrum is actually a lot easier to setup for a guy with intermediate knowledge in server setup, but is a strong believer of decentralisation. You guys are just awesome! I also saw major performance boosts in running fulcrum server, especially when trying to sync to an electrum client situated in another part of the world.

It is much faster than Electrs running on mynode (a bitcoin stack; later on I came to know that Electrs was slow enough for scalability and production use as a public server, tested on both raspberry pi and a powerful linux machine). Now I run Fulcrum on my windows-based node alongside Bitcoin Core, which makes sense as I wanted to make use of it rather than just contributing to decentralisation. Now, I'll bring the same fulcrum server to BCH too as I'm planning to run a BCH full node too, on the same computer.

Anyone who wants to use my Fulcrum server on their electrum client for Bitcoin (BTC) (currently) can connect to the same via: (SSL)

submitted by /u/Nervous-Inspector-14
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St Maarten joins the BitcoinCash Cars following. !! Do you support BCH ? we can wrap your car part or full just inbox me !! Cheers to BCH !!

St Maarten joins the BitcoinCash Cars following. !! Do you support BCH ? we can wrap your car part or full just inbox me !! Cheers to BCH !! submitted by /u/Sunnyskn
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