Education is a system of imposed ignorance

Hello BCHes,

Please read. I come in peace. I have a few suggestions for this sub.

Either we want to acknowledge or not, Bitcoin is not that big. We are still in its infancy. Yeah, there are a lot of people out there that have heard about "Bitcoin", but most of them don't understand the technology behind and don't understand what it will do for planet Earth.

Now, I have been in Bitcoin since 2011. I don't care if you believe me or not, but I want you to understand that I've been with most of you thru all of this. What I want to talk about is we are now ongoing into a full on War on Perception. There is too much information out there and all these newbz don't even know where to start. That’s why they will get sidetracked with all kind of misinformation.

The other sides (cough you know of whom I speak) understand this and that's why they are ramping up the brainwashing with "official news", 1984 double-speak, creating a walled garden and banning the "non-believers".

I got the inspiration for this thread from my discussion with newbs on Twitter and this newb here on reddit just a couple of days ago ( please check the link to understand what the rest of this thread is about):

See how grateful this newb was that somebody took the time to put all the information into perspective and created a timeline for him to follow???

I see a lot of newbz that have absolutely no idea what the F they are talking about, but they read some shit news(CG) about this technology and now they know everything... They don't even know 1% of the history, or technology for that matter, and I think it's time we get dropped some MF knowledge.

I have visited all the links on r/btc front page and most of them lead to good websites that do indeed have a lot of information. What we are missing is a TL;DR version that should be Stickied on the front page, first link so that everybody new that comes here can have a good read. If we provide that I think we can get rid of a lot of trolls and get rid of a lot of misinformation.

For the last week, I've been battling this misinformation, but I can't stay and do this all day: "I got shit to do man!". If you look at my posting history you'll see that the last time I was this active was last year after the fork happened. I see now the same things I saw then, a lot of misinformed sheep that are blindly following the trolls.

HOW do we fix this?

We stick an ELI5 as the first link on this sub. Even if we have some information on the right side, most of them won;t go there. Why? Because people are lazy/dumb/uninformed ( sorry if this breaks any rules, but it;s the MF truth) and don't like to do their own research.

So we will provide this for them in an orderly and easy to read manner. That way all noobs will go to the first link and we will provide the history in an easy to read ELI5.

We need something that is ELI5 so that everybody understand what the F is going on.

The reason this:

and this:

and this:

got so many views and started so many discussions is because they are written in an easy to read and understand ELI5 language. I know most of us ( at least the OGs ) are technical and can understand the nuances of what Bitcoin is, does and where it’s going, but the rest of the world isn’t. It’s our job to make them understand what Bitcoin is. If we let them astray, they will get brainwashed by Alts and CSW ( as we have seen, in the last year, he has gathered a lot of NON-Technical followers because sheep just follow )

OK MF you got my attention!!!!

How does your dumb bottocks propose we do this?

Well funny you should ask. I got just the dumb plan on how to do this: We write an ELI5 to Bitcoin that is funny and interactive!!! Something that will keep them engaged while also dropping some MF knowledge. That MF easy.

We need a good introduction. Smth like this: “In the begging we had the FED, fractional reserve banking and FIAT currencies. Satoshi group unilaterally agreed this was a bad idea and decided there was a need to change the way this works. We need to create a system that provides financial sovereignty to the people of Earth. Just like we had to separate Church and State, we need to separate Money and State in order for our civilization to thrive and reach the stars ( make it Sci-Fi. People love that shit) So the Satoshi group came up with this technology that solves an old "Byzantine generals" problem ( we link some wikipedia stuff ) and they called it simply Bitcoin.”

We then do a quick recap of the early attempts of creating crypto-currencies and why they failed. We don’t need a lot of text here because it doesn’t matter for them. Just something to make them understand that there have been people working on this for a long time.

Then we start dropping the knowledge from Singularity;s, John Block and etc… to make them understand how Blockstream tried to take over BTC by adding SegWit. Then we just add more information until we get the how nChain tried to take over BCH and how they got their asses handed to them. We can add videos ( like this one: ), external links and all that jazz to make them understand what the F actually happened from 2009 until present day. Of course we can keep adding information and videos, but we should start with the bare minimum for all newbz to understand.

Hope you get the gist of what I’m trying to accomplish. Mods I’ll need a lot of help from you because I’m sure you have more knowledge than me. I have a lot of links and other things I can post, but I tried to make this as short as I could.

If people are into this, I can dedicate as much time as I have to this. Because I MF love BCH. I love this community and nobody will take the dream of P2P Electronic Cash from me.

Please respond with your thoughts on this, I will need a lot of input from the community about how they want to go with this.

All the best,

Bitcoin as Cash for planet Earth dreamer

submitted by /u/TulipTradingSatoshi
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