It's about time we move on from this "war" thing.

It's been more than a week, most BCH supporters are sick and tired of this shit.

We got our tickers back (mostly). Exchanges are slowly reopening. Some businesses followed along and didn't face much trouble (thanks and Lamassus), some others were more cautious, and some went to BSV and are now dysfunctional, waiting to be revamped. It's all okay, people have free will.

And now that outright sabotage and terrorism has been apparently called off - not that "we" will "add" replay protection and fuck with our merchants, the side with less economy do it - I think it's time to move on. Be nice to BSV supporters. You and I might not agree with what they stand for nor think they made a wise choice, but guess what? People are free to choose what they want. They should go ahead, test out their hypothesis, and we can keep building and adoptioneering while waving them goodbye.

BSV will be an interesting experiment to observe. Let's not become the Core trolls of yesteryear, let's be nice to each other. If you see bitter and trollish BSV supporters, downvote and move on, don't feed them.

In case any of them (except the most malicious and sockpuppetry of them all) wants to come back, welcome them. Keep their past decisions in mind, but also don't give them a hard time. Many were confused by malicious rhetorics, especially among the less technically informed, and BCH is for #everyone.

Take the high road. It's rare in crypto, and I think it's gonna work out in the long run.

submitted by /u/imaginary_username
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