I have extremely worrying news to report, the Reddit admins have apparently replaced the mods in several subs with a community voting system, including r/libertarian and several crypto subs...

This is a dire warning. Please see this thread and the thread it links to:


This was done by the Reddit admins without first coming to the mod team to ask if they wanted to do it, according to one of the mods of r/libertarian.

This system gives increasing voting power to shitposters and creates huge incentive to brigade, offering the power to take over entire subs, even to use this voting system to potentially replace the mod team.

Mere up / down voters of content and silent readers / lurkers of a sub would have no power to determine the direction of that sub.

These points get distributed by activity and users can literally control the rules and policy of the sub through voting polls, and the more activity you have the more your vote is worth.

It has been suggested that Reddit may see this as a way to replace the moderator system site-wide eventually. Others say it's the pet project of one Reddit admin being tested out.

But the fact that the Reddit admins are forcing it on the sub without moderator consent is crossing the line.

Contentious subs could be taken over by numerically superior opposition.

Some think this is reddit's answer--a poison pill, to get rid of subreddits and moderators they don't like.

But if this ends up happening here on this sub, we're going to need to have a plan in place for a Reddit replacement the community can move to and rely on (and no, not Voat).

And it has got to be decentralized, p2p, and with decentralized-moderation.

This move by Reddit admins is extremely troubling, and if rolled out to all if Reddit would, in my opinion, mean the end of Reddit's usefulness, the status quo would destroy all "problematic" subs.

It's censorship by another means, allowing the most dedicated trolls to destroy a community as long as they're willing to work at it.

submitted by /u/Anen-o-me
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a21m5l/i_have_extremely_worrying_news_to_report_the/
