Sunday, 27 January 2019

Can BCH scale past 30,000 TPS?

Bitcoin does 10 TPS with 1 MB blocks and 10 mins block times.

If BCH had 3GB blocks and 10 mins confirmation times, it could do 30,000 TPS.

However, downloading 3 GB in 10 minutes isn’t possible in 90% of countries.

You would need a 5 MBit/sec connection for that. Furthermore, you would not be able to do anything else with your internet connection besides maybe browsing websites.

So, more TPS would make it very hard for normal people to participate in consensus.

30,000 TPS is the minimum for a global currency. Are there any solutions besides bigger blocks planned and any solutions for scaling to past 1 million TPS?

If any numbers are off, please let me know. It’s hard to find what the current block sizes, tps etc are. Thanks a lot.

submitted by /u/galan77
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