New, more subtle form of vote brigading?

I've noticed for some time now that there are strange things going on in this sub. A lot of comments seem to have a fixed/set upvote limit but that could just be my imagination (but did anyone else notice this?).

A weirder thing is that some posts that i up- or downvote, jump right back to the previous count, a fraction of a second after i up- or downvoted it. I'm not imagining this; it has happened to me multiple times now. What's going on here?

I'm not supposed to ask for votes; but just try to upvote this following post linked below (current votecount 0, 44% upvoted) for argument sake (just downvote again if it doesn't downvote back down to 0 automatically right away).

Can anyone confirm?

submitted by /u/ChaosElephant
[link] [comments]

