Sunday, 24 March 2019

Eight hours ago I told cryptocached to bug off with his argument that transactions couldn't be prioritized "first seen" because of the minfee. Within hours a known BTC troll has a post on the front page "being back zero fee transactions!"

For weeks now I've been arguing with cryptocached (who defends both segwit and RBF BTW) regarding the desirability of the "first seen" rule for zero conf p2p cash transactions. According to cryptocached, RBF is both unavoidable and desirable, and "first seen" is impossible / nonexistent and undesirable.

Fast forward to the end of our discussion yesterday, where I shut him down because he's wasting my time. His argument, as he left it, was that "first seen" is impossible because of the minfee (a miner can see a txn but not accept it because the fee is too low, therefore prioritizing a different, later, higher fee txn). Of course there are solutions to this but by now I am tired of his constant downvoting of a tremendous amount of effort I have put into him, and his constant insults and trolling, so I basically told him to bug off.

So I wake up this morning to discover cthulhuburger has a post on the front page "bring back zero fee txns." a few other low karma / strange single issue accounts have also taken up the issue.

Maybe this is all coincidence. Maybe not. It's still strange.

Fact: the goal of BCH is to become p2p CASH usable like hard currency for casual transactions, just like actual coins are used.

Fact: to improve the P2P cash user experience, it is necessary to improve the zero conf user experience. Retail use cases demand this.

Fact: to improve the P2P cash zero conf user experience it is necessary that miners relay and mine the first valid version of a transaction they see, rejecting later seen txns.

Fact: improving the instant payment use case to a sufficient level of security is still the killer app.

Fact: there are accounts in this sub working hard to prevent BCH from deploying the killer app

submitted by /u/jessquit
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