Most shitcoins and many Bitcoin clones have more 24 hour volume than LN does. Its many many many times more efficient to scale Bitcoin Core by continually forking it or make shitcoins than to keep trying to push LN.

Sort by Name. Scroll down to where all the BItcoin clones are. Or sort by volume and essentially anything over 50,000 USD does more 24 hour volume than LN. Most of LN's 1,000 BTC capacity is tied up and sits idle/not used. A requirement of the LN system is to stake/reserve capacity and plan for future incoming/outgoing transactions, otherwise when you want to receive/send you can't, thus you always need to have a majority of your capacity sitting idle.

The entire network capacity is only about 1,000 BTC. I have seen it said in a few places that the 24 hour volume on LN is usually less than 50,000 USD daily(would appreciate a link if someone has one for these stats). Going by another post someone recently made 70% of capacity is tied up by one company, and most of the "total capacity" sits idle and is NOT used.

Forking Bitcoin and getting small amounts of support for it creates more daily volume than LN does. Creating random shitcoins and hyping them up and getting maybe a few hundred people to use them offloads potential capacity from Bitcoin Core to the new shitcoin. LN is a complete waste of time. Want to get more capacity on Bitcoin Core chain without raising the block size? Make more Bitcoin clones and shitcoins. It is faster, cheaper, more efficient to continually fork Bitcoin Core than to continue to work on LN.

submitted by /u/DecentralizedNews_YT
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