Sunday, 5 May 2019

FindBitcoin.Cash to bring the best solution to find and rate merchants

FindBitcoin.Cash to bring the best solution to find and rate merchants

Ladies and gentlemen and friends of Bitcoin Cash,

I am thrilled to announce that we have cleaned up a lot of the issues we had; login page is now fixed, spam has been cleaned up too. Now to really explain the vision and what we hope to achieve with this site.

FindBitcoinCash: the treasure hunt:

This is basically the geocaching part of the site. Members can load and hide paper wallets around the world, log it on the map, and showcase where they are. Be creative and have fun with this. We do hope, however that random people might stumble upon these wallets and use them as a stepping stone to learn about Bitcoin Cash through The wallet will guide them to the site where they will learn to sweep it, and we will direct them towards community resources to learn more information about BCH.

Please feel free to comment if there is a resource you think I should post on to the site.

FindBitcoinCash: merchants:

We all know the importance of merchant integration in to our ecosystem. As a result, we strive to not only allow users to play with the FindBitcoinCash Treasure Hunt, but they can also find local merchants near them to #spendBCH. in the bottom right hand corner of the map there is a toggle to search merchants. in the future, I will be adding the ability for merchants to claim their listings and edit them as they see fit.

For your convenience, here is the link to add merchants

In addition, members of the site will have the ability to rate merchants, sort of like yelp does, and we look forward to expanding this section of the site as we go along.

Find Bitcoincash resources:

This is the final part of the site where we will share posts from our community, and resources for anyone who may have stumbled upon a wallet learn more about Bitcoin Cash.

I welcome all comments, suggestions and feedback from this awesome community!!

Huge thank you to everyone who has donated to the cause and to help us cover some expenses. If you'd like to donate, we thank you in advance:

Badgerwallet via, set at 100k sats because every satoshi helps :)

Address: bitcoincash:qznqfwlrfv2s6y5agmwf0zm8lmcqcf946gput954mm

QR Code:

submitted by /u/CreativeName44
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