Look at all these FRESH accounts being used in /r/btc

Look at all these FRESH accounts being used in /r/btc


  1. We have an influx of new money and users coming into this space
    (possibly a small amount, but I doubt much of it is new)
  2. We have new accounts/users being setup to sway information and push an agenda.

This is just a reminder that often users from other subs will come here and try and push an agenda in a direction so as to begin infighting and distract from the real issue of P2P Digital Cash. Read what they have to say, but also realize what is going on and then you can weight up how much is real and faked for yourself.

submitted by /u/kilrcola
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/etk8hd/look_at_all_these_fresh_accounts_being_used_in/
