Family came to me today and want me to invest for them

My sister ~ 25yrs old stacked about 20k in sport Price money and wants to invest it, I basically told her she should not invest more than 2k in crypto. So today I bought her 2k worth of BTC with a 10€ fee on coinbase pro - first time using it, works smooth af.

My dad sent me 5k to invest in crypto, but not only btc. So I bought some Ripple, BTC and ETH.

Its all stored on my Trezor and when Im coming home again I will hand them their own trezor and do all the security things with them, so they can handle it on their own.

This felt very good and stuff like this has to happen in more families! Reach out to your family, but dont be a douche or act like its a cult or some shit. Be reasonable and rational, but reach out to them!

submitted by /u/adolfqt
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