Here's just an overly-simplified BTC comparison (not by any means an accurate prediction)

Would like to preface this with: I did this for absolutely no reason other than personal enjoyment out of the numbers & comparisons to things such as the DotCom period & FB. This is by no means a price prediction of mine. Just pure fun with numbers and time. With that said, enjoy.

World Population (W.P henceforth) = 7.8B people
59% of W.P is online (using internet) = 4.6B people
1% of W.P = 78M people
.33% of W.P Use BTC (semi-actively) = 25M people

Price currently @ $9,000 for .33%

BTC Price @ $27,000 for 1% W.P users of BTC
($9K price at .33% * 3 - NOTE: this is 75-78M people using BTC)

If 1/4th of the people who use the internet, used BTC, price estimate becomes: $405,000 per coin(based on the W.P percentage & price, multiplied by the above factors again).

BTC Price @ $405,000 for 25% of internet users using BTC (which totals 1.15B people).

Facebook currently has 2.6B active monthly users (as of first quarter 2020).
25% of internet users using BTC is less than half of Facebook's active monthly user count.

Recap: the $405k price point is based on 14.75% of the W.P semi-actively using bitcoin.
That is 1/4th of the amount of current people using the internet, which sits at 59% of world population.

From current price to projected price would be a +4,500% increase

BTC historically has seen the following:

Last 5 years - +3,757% increase
Last 9 Years - +141,911% increase

It took 10 Years from 0.4% of W.P to 15% to adopt internet.
Tech now moves at a much faster pace, the following is also true:
It then took only 6 Years from 15% of W.P to 30% to adopt internet.

Infrastructure is now already in place for BTC to operate in - unlike when the internet was established.

Now just for fun: What if 100% of W.P online used BTC?
(Considering zero growth in this number over whatever time period this occupies)

= $1,620,000 per BTC(based on the same metrics outlined above)

submitted by /u/iamlation
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