– Your Own Private Bank In Your Mobile Phone (Beta Invitations)

As you guys may already know, I am volunteering my time in a few Bitcoin Cash projects, one of them is I’m helping their team because I see the value of their work on growing the adoption of Bitcoin Cash on a global scale, beyond just the walls of normal cryptocurrency users. The plan is to get normal people (Sorry, crypto users are not normal people, lol) to do regular transactions, such as remittances for foreign workers to send money back home, merchants to convert between BCH and local fiat currencies anytime on mobile phone, and more on this platform and then slowly get them used to Bitcoin Cash.

I’m giving out limited invitations to people who don’t mind encountering all sorts of problems, because this platform is very new and many of the logistics need to go through real market usage. We wanted to make sure the system works for European users, people from Singapore and Australia and a few other countries. At the moment, there is lockdown going on, but once the lockdown has ended, I am hoping the platform can extend to support more than 100 countries with our partners.

A public disclosure is that I had personally contributed more than 100 BCH to this project, so I truly believe it can benefit all Bitcoin Cash holders. Unfortunately, because of the regulatory risks involved with this project, the team has preferred to go dark entirely. I am forced for now, to be the face and voice of the project.

If you are from Europe or Australia or Singapore and want to receive an invitation, please DM me your email address. I will send the invitation to you within a week’s time (not immediately). My only request is not to involve too much money in the transactions (no more than $100 maybe) during this Beta phase and if you encounter any problems/bugs, do feedback to me. The fees at the early stages will be high, purely because we don’t have the economies of scale yet. This can be sorted out later once the platform has reached a certain economies of scale volume.

submitted by /u/MobTwo
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