Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Experience with onboarding 6 friends as new users to Lightning Network via a zoom poker night

Onboarded 6 friends as new users to Lightning Network:

Sent out a call to friend network for a Poker Night using: https://www.pokernow.club/ (everyone loved this site)


Onboarding strategy

I promised 10,000 satoshis to everyone who played. 10,000 buy in. Winner takes all.

I offered iOS links to Breez, and Blue Wallet.

Part way though discovered Breez is 0.6GB download.

Revised recommendation info had to be sent: Lower security smaller download Blue Wallet, higher security much bigger download Breez (plus still testflight on iOS)

Outcome: 3 chose Breez, 3 chose Blue Wallet. 1 Breez attempt failure.



  1. 1 Breez failure, old phone; struggled with big download/update blockchain.
  2. My texting abilities were not normal that night due to Tmobile issues. very slow for me to load someones wallet because i couldn't respond to texts.
  3. Someone said, why couldn't we just Venmo? I said I don't have Venmo :)
  4. Settling at end: I told the winner to send out 6 UNIQUE invoices to each of the players to collect her winnings. She wasn't thrilled at the work involved. I could have had her group text us her QR code, and then everyone could send her their 10,000 sats.

Good News:

I let the losers keep their sats as a consolation prize and paid out the winner directly via an invoice she sent me.

Lessons Learned:

For onboarding:

  1. Clarify download size issue with apps in advance. Breez delays in downloading and syncing were a little uncomfortable for new users.
  2. Have people just directly text me their lightning wallet QR code. Easier for new users than invoicing.
  3. Settling at the end:

Option 1: Have winner group text out their QR code

easier, but no ability for winner to track who is paid up and who is not.

Option 2: Have winner text 10,000 sat Invoice to each player

harder, but winner will know who paid up and who didn't


Addendum to Lessons Learned: Breez required 600 satoshis minimum balance, so for onboarding I had to give that much more to those individuals.

Also Transaction Fees were 15-30x higher on Blue Wallet than Breez. I didn't account for fees when factoring in cost of transaction to settle at the end of the game. You want to avoid awkward failed transactions because not enough in account or complaints that people didn't "pay up" the full amount owed.

Always include 50-100 extra sats for high fees of custodial wallets.

submitted by /u/dreftylefty
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