D R I F T . . . .

I have searched, never read even a mediocre reason for drift.

Only thing I could dream up is that someone is trying to get btc to have a reward change Before BCH.

Maybe I am missing this, but wt#? Why the push? There has to be ulterior motives? I see absolutely ZERO benefits. Why waste any heartbeats on this?

  1. Has the community asked for this?
  2. Have users asked for this?
  3. Have Exchanges asked for this?
  4. Have miners asked for this?
  5. Has SLP asked for this?
  6. Does Avalanche need this?
  7. Was this on the BCH roadmap?
  8. Do BCH Smart contracts need this? ?????
submitted by /u/steve_m0
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/hzsmux/d_r_i_f_t/
