Enough! Protocol developers take a step back. Only USERS and MINERS matter

I been thinking about this for a long time now.

In bitcoin there are only 2 categories of users. USERS who transact and use the currency. This include regular users and businesses using the currency (Coinbase, Bitpay, Bitcoin.com, the thousands of merchants etc)

and then there are the miners who do the work to secure the network and get paid for it. Miners enforce the rules and get punished if they step out of line.

Why is there such a god-like status for people trying to tinker with the bitcoin cash protocol? Unless users or miners pay for any addition I don't understand why the protocol developers need to matter at all in the equation.

Look at BTC even. The Core developers get PAID by users (companies). Ethereum developers get paid by the ethereum foundation. All businesses built on these are USERS.

Why the hell should some guys working on mining node software used by maybe what, 20 guys? even matter. Deadalnix birthed Bitcoin Cash. Great! Thank you for that. Now we have a bunch of random guys trying to change shit as they please and potentialy causing a network split. This already happened with BSV.

Bitmain PAID deadalnix to create Bitcoin Cash.

USERS are what makes bitcoin cash.

USERS and MINERS > Protocol developers.

My suggestion, work on onboarding and creating cool apps not all this messing around and arguying on social media!

sorry for long rant

submitted by /u/ClarenceBCH
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/hrfllg/enough_protocol_developers_take_a_step_back_only/
