[PSA] Electrum and Eclair both support Testnet-LN to learn about LN

With the last few drops of Electrum it's been much easier to use LN with my HW-wallets. Today I played around with Eclair-mobile and Electrum-desktop paired to a Trezor on testnet. Everything worked great, and it is a great way to learn about capacity and invoices without having to put real money at risk. Electrum has a "swap" button to adjust capacity but I think it only works on mainnet. Eclair's "request liquidity" feature works fine on testnet though. Here's a quick walk rundown of what I tried:

  1. Install Electrum 4.0.2 and pair it to my hw-wallet on testnet enabling LN.
  2. Beg borrow or steal some testnet BTC and send it to my Electrum
  3. Install Eclair-Testnet on my mobile and send half my testnet on-chain balance to it.
  4. Open a channel in Electrum with either a known entity, or use their channel pool
  5. Open a channel in Eclair requesting inbound liquidity
  6. Once all channels are open practice moving testnet-LN funds from one app to the other.

Feel free to paste an invoice to request some testnet-LN in this thread and I'll send out 1000 sat blocks while I have them

submitted by /u/brianddk
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