Cryptophyl unable to withdraw Funds

Cryptophyl unable to withdraw Funds

TLDR: My account on is unable to withdraw funds. I have been trying to contact them for 10 days with no response. I am still unable to withdraw funds at this time.

I did not want to have to post this in public but....

I have been unable to withdraw any funds from my account on since August 16th. I have sent several email to the support email address and I have sent emails to Semyon's other email address but no one has responded and the problem persists. I gave them 72 hours notice to respond or fix the problem but they still ignore my communications so this is being posted.

My account was locked 1 time previously around August 9th. Semyon fixed the problem in 1-2 days and the explanation he sent is...

"There appears to be no obvious reason why your account may have been locked.

Your account has been unlocked and you should be able to withdraw.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused."

This happens with BCH Also

submitted by /u/ricketrods
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