Why are BIP47 reusable payment codes marked as "discouraged"?

After seeing Roger mention BIP47 reusable payment codes recently in a discussion about privacy tech, and seeing some stuff about how they are implemented in Crescent Cash, I decided to do some reading up.

I found this page on GitHub: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0047.mediawiki

Near the top I saw this:

"Comments-Summary: Unanimously Discourage for implementation"

But I didn't see an explanation of what is wrong with this BIP or why it might be discouraged. Can anyone enlighten me?

submitted by /u/fatalglory
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ikf100/why_are_bip47_reusable_payment_codes_marked_as/
