Why is ABC freeriding on the ASERT development and throwing away Grasberg which they claimed was superior?

I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone on this question.

First bird is the 'free-riding' allegation, where somehow everyone but ABC is supposed to benefit ("free-ride") from ABC work. Which is patently untrue, if one looks at ABC commits it is mostly backporting of Core fixes anyway for more than a million bucks per semester.

But since ABC are planning to fork off anyway with their IFP, why not just keep Grasberg which they claimed provides such benefit for "sound money" ? Instead, they are taking the ASERT development done by the other teams, which according to their own definition must be ... free riding.

submitted by /u/Pablo_Picasho
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/il2p5d/why_is_abc_freeriding_on_the_asert_development/
