The age of cryptodildonics is upon us: Introducing and FreeVibe, a BCH powered vibrator!

Hey everyone. I’m Nick! I’m a long time Bitcoin Casher and a first time poster. I’m also one of three members of the team participating in the Coinparty Bitcoin Cash hackathon.

We had infrastructure problems on Heroku all day yesterday so we didn’t have enough time to properly cut our project submission video and demonstrate everything we accomplished over the week.

So here is a video that demonstrates our flagship product in action. It’s called FreeVibe! From what we can tell, it is the worlds very first cryptocurrency powered sex toy. We built it with cammers and online sex workers in mind. It gives them the means to do what they do without having to use payment intermediaries who commonly take up to half of the money they earn. Give the video a watch and tell us what you think!

If you want to know more about how it works, check out our project submission video at the link below. Among other things, it gives a walkthrough of how to set a new device, and showcases the companion website,

Big shoutout to my team members, Ashley and JetScythe . I asked too much of them and they delivered it anyway. I couldn’t have asked for a better team.

If you like our project and want to vote for us, here's a QR you can scan to send your SLP vote tokens to:

I don’t expect we’ll win the hackathon given the trouble we had with our submission but we want to bring this project to life and get it in people’s hands. If you want to help us do that, send me an email at nick at 2fat dot co .

submitted by /u/2fatdotco
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