I wonder if Peter Schiff would be a fan of Bitcoin Cash

I'm a huge fan of Peter Schiff. He's a brilliant economist of the Austrian tradition, and has been a caller of bubbles and market movements since I was a child, and I'm 30 years old today.

He always focuses on central bank movements, the true players in the macroeconomy.

He has my utmost respect. The only thing we disagree on is crypto and, based on his podcasts, he seems to be unaware of BCH Bitcoin Cash.

I know it's a bit of a conflict of interest with regards to his business ventures, but I would be incredibly interested to hear his candid response, if he were willing to hear out the case for Bitcoin Cash.

After you downvote, take note that the gentleman is a brilliant forecaster, and as much flak he catches from the crypto community, I assure you he's vastly more aware of macro and micro interactions than you and me.

He continues to see crypto as a fringe market, and I wonder if someone influential in the Austrian space might be able to reach him and change his mind.

submitted by /u/bolognapony234
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lgiz76/i_wonder_if_peter_schiff_would_be_a_fan_of/
