This will be unpopular because "not your keys, not your coins", but just a thought I had - earn interest on your BCH

BCH needs to participate more in DeFi and CeFi if you want more price movement on the coin. As much as everyone hates to admit it, 1% of BTC does not feel good. Yes of course using it is great, detoken (if it worked for me),, payments, Kim, etc, etc. but so is earning interest on it.

Nexo, Celsius and all pay interest on BCH holdings. The reason I say that this is good, is that if you receive interest in kind, in BCH, they have to buy BCH from the market to give to you. You can grow your holdings doing nothing, and BCH price goes up. For DeFi there is renBCH, I haven't looked into what can be done with that but it's tradeable on Uniswap so you could provide liquidity there for example.

As controversial as Bitfinex is, they provide the clearest view of where the interest comes from. I have BCH, someone wants to borrow BCH to trade with it. There is a market rate and I lend it out at that price. People on here claim that "they" keep shorting BCH and that's what keeps the price down. Well, this is how you take money from "them" and they can continue to do what they were going to do anyway.

Maybe if offered interest on their margin trading that would be great.

I've used all the platforms so let me know if you have any questions.


Of course, "not your keys, not your coins" applies so be careful. I've mentioned 3 companies which seem quite large and secure but you never know. There have been plenty of hacks and scams over the years. Most recently, CRED was even partnered with and went bankrupt. So don't invest everything you have.

submitted by /u/Meeseeks-Answers
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