What happens to bitcoin if the economy collapses?

The stock market seems to be in a giant bubble. Trillions of dollars are being helicoptered in left and right. Interest rates are at an all time low. Bonds at an all time low. All kinds of fuckery going on with the stock market right now with ridiculous amounts of FTDs on ETFs. It just seems imminent at this point. News from Japan is now reporting the biggest short of the century as people are preparing for the collapse of the world economy. What kind of effect will this have on bitcoin? Will it stay strong, or will it tank out of pure panic? Will it drop and then quickly recover as people flood towards an asset that isn’t manipulated by government? I’m just wondering what you guys think might happen in this scenario.

I swear this isn’t just FUD. It’s a legitimate concern that I have.

submitted by /u/Lesty7
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