I made an open-source multisig hardware wallet!

A healthy mixture of paranoia, frugality, and the desire to become One with the Bitcoin has culminated in...

Krux Wallet, software that turns your M5StickV into an airgapped hardware wallet.

Krux is written in (Micro)Python and built on top of the awesome embedded bitcoin library embit.

It only works as a cosigner in a multisignature setup and communicates via QR codes, sending and receiving. It also never writes your keys to disk, so it may be odd to consider it a "wallet." It's probably more accurate to call it a hardware signer.

The reason I chose the M5StickV for this over something like the Pi is because:

  1. You can buy it and use it as-is, no assembly required.
  2. At < $50, it's cheap for all the parts you get: screen, camera, buttons, battery, etc.
  3. Nobody else had done it yet (I think). There's already a great project for the Pi called SeedSigner!

It needs more thorough testing and vetting before I would consider it production-ready, but it's now "feature complete" and I wanted to share it with the community!

submitted by /u/jreesun
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