I opened my first Lightning channel in a triangle swap!!!

First of all, huge shout out to Alan Lightning Network Plus for providing an amazing service and taking time to assist me personally. Also shout out to the RaspiBlitz team for making such a great open source project that makes running a lightning node mindless.

I have been terrified to use lightning. I don't understand how it works fully. It seems most of the resources either give you some very superficial overview, or go DEEP and require lots of time to grok. I ended up listening to the Lightning series just released on the What Bitcoin Did podcast. Some amazing information that hit the sweet spot and helped me understand a little bit better and lift some of the fear.

I don't care about earning fees. I just want to grow the network, provide more routes and more liquidity for more people with the goal of increasing adoption. Now I need to learn how to recover funds in the event I need too -- a bit of a scary knowledge gap that I want to close before I open more channels.

For anybody considering running your own node, I hope my experience might help you drum up the courage to do it yourself. I am happy to help in any way that I am able. Here are some resources:

RaspiBlitz BTC+LN Node

Lightning Network Plus Swaps

What Bitcoin Did podcast

MIT Open course covering lightning (with instructor Tadge Dryja, founder of the lightning network!)

submitted by /u/turick
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