Hi all,

I got into Bitcoin around April of this year. I listened the Robert Breedlove on Lex Fridman's show and he sparked my interest in the subject matter. Now, I am no one who is just looking for a way to make quick money. Rather than that I was deeply intrigued by his Philosophy and the Austrian Economic Theory behind Bitcoin. I always had slogans like "Big Banks are evil" and "They steal our wealth" in the back of my mind but I never followed up on these claims. That was until said interview. I went on this very sub-reddit and asked Bitcoiners to point me towards something where I can start to learn about the flaws and fallacies in our economy and our financial system. I was referred to the Hidden Secrets of Money Series with Mike Maloney and Saifedean Ammous The Bitcoin Standard. After that I followed the links, the signs, the mentions, the recommendations, the references, the suggestions and I went down A DEEP RABBIT HOLE!!! Not kidding, I spent roughly 500 to 600 hours over the last 6 month reading every book and every article I found, watching every video and listening to tons of podcasts on the topic. And it changed my entire world view, my approach on financial matters and my strategy for long term investing. I am humble enough to know that I still know nothing at all... but one thing I have taken away from this is that people who are not familiar with Bitcoin must not underestimate the NON-FINANCIAL POSITIVE EFFECT a Bitcoin Deep Dive can have on you as an individual. I feel like my laser eyes are slowly starting to glow and they burnt the veil of bullshit mainstream propaganda right off my face. Bitcoin has led me to Mises, Rothbart, Taleb, Hayek and many more. I have an entire shelf on my reading list, and which each book I feel more empowered. Bitcoin has done this. Thus, the thing I am preaching now to friends and family is the following:

Bitcoin sparks curiosity. Curiosity fuels self-education. Self-education generates knowledge. And knowledge is power. ERGO BITCOIN IS POWER!

submitted by /u/Ape1108
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