Earn crypto by playing games!

I came across a Mining game which took my interest and i think it would be only fair to share it with you!

In short, you play Minigames & gain mining power which you can put on ETH, Doge and BTC. The gains you get, you can withdraw or also reinvest in virtual miners to earn passively.

You will not get rich overnight, it would take awhile to get good amount of crypto but the more you use the site the more you earn, there is a compounding affect. So overtime you could earn big.

You also get 1000 Satoshi if you use my link: https://rollercoin.com/?r=kl0p755v

Payment proof-

Ethereum- https://imgur.com/a/tw1vR4Z

Blockchain links-




submitted by /u/neganthevegan0
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/r22ydi/earn_crypto_by_playing_games/
