ELI5: I've tried to research but why is BTC more popular than BCH?

I understand that there are several factors which favour BTC

  • Its the original

  • Branding/public perception

  • Social/Market buy-in (this is the biggest reason)

But when I look at BCH it is just so much cheaper per transaction. A $150 purchase of BTC had a total fee of $3, whereas the same $150 of BCH had a fee of less than a cent (not buying on exchange, I'm outside the USA)

So whats going on here? Is it faith in the system? The BCN and BCHSV thing would have shaken plenty of confidence. But when I look for IRL crypto spending, BCH is the one being adopted in South America

I've heard an argument that BCH has loo low fees, which means there are fewer miners, but surely the lower fees give more potential for transaction volume

Also, what is a lightening network?

So.... what's going on?

I'm an idiot btw, and purchased BCH at the peak this year thinking I was getting BTC. I'm now DCA into BTC and hodling the BCH

submitted by /u/ArtyDeckOh
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/r29sk4/eli5_ive_tried_to_research_but_why_is_btc_more/
