Android Wallet - BCH History Bug? - Sent Address Incorrect in Last Several Characters, but Toggling Legacy Mode & Back Shows Expected Correct Address

So, I was giving my nephews some paper wallets of BCH. I loaded the wallets, but I saved the details of the pub/private keys in case they lost them and never transferred them to their own wallet (I included a small pamphlet with details on how to set up their own wallet), since they are kids.

Later, I wanted to check things out because I was going to make some more, so I had a list of addresses to use, & wanted to double check that I didn't reuse the ones I used already. Well, in my history the address almost matched the address in my list, except for the last 5-6 characters or so. Super weird. So I clicked the slide toggle to show the legacy address, and then toggled it back to CashAddress format and, behold, it was now showing the address I expected.

In fact, when I click to view the TX on a block explorer, I also see the address I expect. So, it seems like this may indeed be a bug in the code when viewing the history anyway where initially it doesn't draw the final characters correctly. I'd guess that it has something to do with the fact that the first few and last few chars are bold, except that it's more characters even than are bold that are incorrect.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it intended behavior and I'm just missing something obvious? Is there more than one CashAddress format for a unique address that is equivalent?

I'm aware there are other wallets, and I do use them as well. I also know it is not open source, etc. etc. I'm just trying to determine and figure out what might be going on and making sure there isn't a gap in my knowledge.

submitted by /u/RireBaton
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