The celebrities have started a fulling shill war on the market

"There’s no stopping them now, they’re late to the NFT market but they’re hungry for you wallets. Even the most technologically oblivious celebs like Reese Witherspoon are chasing down the NFT market, this is pretty strange.

Not that I’m against that or withhold anything to or for it. But there’s a time and a place for everything and this isn’t it chief. All of them are a better off on a separate platform where they would be respected and admired, and their NFTs sought after.

I heard there were a couple attempts to start something like these and categorize celeb NFTs on a separate platform. Yunometa for one has already started this and has a separate platform for said celebrities to do whatever they want on it.

I think there should be some kind of separation between celebrities and the rest of the people, not only because I don’t want to see their cringe spilling all over Twitter, but also because their target audience would be there waiting and not some random people who following them for a different kind of content. "

submitted by /u/Motor_Revenue8083
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