Pre-consensus is being taken wildly out of proportion.

Seriously people, this is all political social media bullshit.

There is not even a written proposal for anything, and as amaury replied, most proposals don't change anything in the protocol.

Consider transaction ordering and graphene as an example. It is a proposal which improves information for all miners, all of the participants want to know as fast as possible the transactions pertaining to the block head with PoW they just received.

If a proposal of pre consensus, whatever it is, is such that all miners have equally distributed information such as in graphene, you are not creating any economical imbalance and possibly improving the information over the likelihood of a Zconf Tx being mined in the next block.

This is very different to things such as faster block time or bitcoin-NG, which are not good proposals and are full of different new trade-offs.

Whatever proposal comes out, people will study and criticize it openly, so I don't understand why people rush to throw sand on stuff they don't even know what it is.

submitted by /u/rdar1999
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