Does it not bother you that a handful of people run the show?

Hi everyone

Full disclosure: I run a Bitcoin Core full node and hold zero BCH. I do actively follow BCH development so that I don't live in an echo chamber.

I've been following the drama of the whole Bitcoin SV vs. Bitcoin ABC debate and I'm wondering: doesn't it bother you that the fate of the entire BCH network rests in the hands of a few people? There was literally a meeting between CSW, Ayre, Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, and some devs to find a way forward. As a user you basically have to just hope they do the thing that works.

It's more or less how Zuckerberg can do what he wants with Facebook. If he wants to run Facebook on a blockchain with 128mb blocks, that's up to him.

On the BTC side I just can't imagine a meeting to agree on the future. Look at how badly the New York Agreement failed. I understood the reason Satoshi left was because he wanted to prevent Bitcoin having a leader like Ethereum has Vitalik.

submitted by /u/CadmeusCain
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