Sunday, 12 May 2019

All you greedy HODLERS out there, get a mobile wallet and start tipping small amounts to people who produce something of value, every day!

Look, it doesn't have to be much. This sub has 250 000 subscribers. If only one percent of us made a habit of tipping 25 cents to a dollar every day, to someone who produces value for you in one way or another, that will create a HUGE incentive for people to add BCH-addresses to their Youtube-videos, their webpages or what-have-you. The money you greedy hodlers lose by tipping is f----n peanuts in comparison to the huge value this will bring to BCH long term. Be generous, and the world will be generous to you. Of course it's okay to be greedy, but if you're greedy and smart, that's even better.

PS. Also, it's so much FUN to tip/give, especially in real life. Help a friend to download a wallet, send them a dollar then let them send it to a third guy. Etc. Explain how no one can stop them and no permission is needed (à la Roger Ver). It's pretty awesome seeing their reaction.

submitted by /u/SwedishSalsa
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