Shadow banned on the “uncensored” sub

On the post I commented pointing out the article neglects to talk about the fraud aspect of the lawsuit being dropped. So there is only the negligence aspect moving forward. Yet it was removed without a warning or providing a reason.

I thought this was supposed to be the uncensored sub? Is this turning into the next r Bitcoin sub?

Or does anyone want to explain what I did wrong for calling out journalism that ignores facts to push their narrative?

The motion to dismiss the fraud claims is granted. The plaintiffs have not particularly pleaded their reliance on Coinbase’s allegedly fraudulent statements. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b). Moreover, while the factual allegations paint a compelling picture of an incompetent launch by Coinbase, the complaint does not outline a coherent account of fraud by Coinbase, Armstrong, and Farmer. For instance, the plaintiffs tell us that Armstrong (the founder of Coinbase) trumpeted the virtues of Bitcoin Cash and sought to increase its popularity, all the while harboring a nefarious plan to let insiders sabotage his exchange’s launch of trading in Bitcoin Cash.


Perhaps I misinterpreted the original article since I thought it was two different lawsuits not the same one at first. Last I checked though the purpose of an uncensored sub was to inform people of their mistakes and lack of knowledge not to shadow ban their comments leaving them in the dark like the rest of the r Bitcoin visitors trying to actually inform themselves instead of being a paid shill.

submitted by /u/BTC_Throwaway_1
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