110-year-old U.S Hydroelectric Power Plant Will Be Turned into a Bitcoin Mining Facility.

The hydroelectric power plant in U.S will be transformed from a power plant into a mining facility for bitcoin mining.

The plant is a 110-year-old power plant that has been shut down for six years since 2013, a historic building is built and operated since the time of mining and railway projects in Montana in the early 20th century.

Reuse or demolition of the power plant was mentioned in 2009, but failed due to opposition from local residents. After going out of business for the next six years, mining bitcoin got interest that allows it to do profit business without compromising exterior of the building.

There is no change in the internal structure of the building, such as the wall or the floor, or the power panel, even when the mining facility comes in, so there is no remodeling of the building, and there is a lot of talk going on about choosing cryptocurrency assets as a way to make the local historic buildings available without change.

submitted by /u/gomicsfoundation
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ds9o90/110yearold_us_hydroelectric_power_plant_will_be/
