Wallets that can spend a CLTV address after the timelock expires?

Are there any wallets that can spend a CLTV address after the timelock expires?

  1. Use coinb.in to create CTLV address to lock funds for a week.
  2. Retrieve address 3thisisactlvadress from coinb.in (your CLTV address you created)
  3. Send 0.01 BTC to 3thisisactlvadress
  4. Wait a week.
  5. Import 3thisisactlvadress into WalletX
  6. Using WalletX send your 0.01 BTC to your HW wallet at bc1thisismyhwwalletaddress.

Does WalletX exist? Doesn't Electrum still have a feature request open to add support for CTLV.

You can write you own spend TXN by hand I suppose... But most aren't down with that.

submitted by /u/brianddk
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