Here is how to calculate/estimate when BTC and BCH will half.

The code is that every 210 000 blocks there is halving.

You take the blockheight for BTC which is just how many blocks have been created since January 3 2009

(normal people start counting at block 1 but programmers will start at block 0 so keep that in mind)

You can find that number on

Right now it's 602 535.

Now we do 602 535 - 210 000 a couple of times until we have a number smaller then 210 000. So 392 535, and then we get 182 535 which is smaller then 210 000.

The difference between 210 000 and 182 535 is 27 465

This means BTC will half in 27 465 blocks.

27 465 divided by 6 gives us how many hours this is and if we divide that number by 24 we get days. So 27 465/6/24 = 190 days.

BCH is at block 607 788 which gives = 154 days.

If BTC hashrate would exponentially go up in the next 190 days the gap might get closed.

The perfect target if every block since genesis was exactly 10 minute apart is 4375 days past Genesis (We think Januari 3 2009). This gives up Dec 26, 2020

BTC is about 6 months ahead of target and BCH 7. This is about 6% faster than it's supposed to be.

submitted by /u/Kain_niaK
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