Protip, engage in chaintip saving!

Chaintip saving is very straight forward. You create a saving wallet that is cold (piece of paper or offline computer) and you give this to the u/chaintip bot.

Now on a regular basis you make some nice chaintips. Let's say at least once a week 5 or 10 dollars.

You will find that only half of the people you tip will accept this. The rest will be send back after about 7 or 10 days or so.

This you completely forget about it. And that is chaintip saving.

If they take your tip that means somebody had a BCH experience for the first time.

If not that means your savings are increasing. It's a win win situation. My chaintip savings wallet just hit 93 USD! This is precious money. The money that redditors did not want and one day they might regret it. Their regret is my future.

submitted by /u/Kain_niaK
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