If bitcoin does moon, how will you deal with family members and friends?

I've only recently jumped on the bitcoin bandwagon and I've told a few people so far. The people that are familiar with financial markets are quite open to it, but they don't seem like they will put any money into crypto at the mo (well not on purpose at least, one colleague accidentally bought bitcoin on revolut).

The less savvy investors I've told have been very surprised and urged me to reconsider or to invest in gold. They are not interested in bitcoin at all. This is fine, I don't mind. But if bitcoin does moon these same people will be negative towards me most likely. They will be annoyed that I didn't try harder to convince them. Has anyone experienced this before, when bitcoins price went from a few hundred to a few thousand? I wonder if I should stop talking about bitcoin with family and friends now?

submitted by /u/itisworking1
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