Just a comment about the two-space thing in the "Unmasking Satoshi Nakamoto" video

So the thing that hung me up right away was all the attention paid to the fact that both Adam and Satoshi use two spaces after the period, because that's how I was taught to type. I thought back on it and remembered that my mother and her mother both taught me to type that way, as well as my high school typing class. I checked a bunch of old legal documents I have from the 60s and 70s and they're all typed with two spaces after periods.

Turns out that everyone, everywhere used to be taught to use two spaces after the period. And in fact, in 2020 over 1/3 of people polled still believe it's the correct way to punctuate:


If anything, the fact that Satoshi used two spaces after periods simply means he learned to type on a typewriter, not a computer. The world is simply full of people who were taught this practice and continue it to this day.

The thing I want to call your attention to is that with hundreds of millions of people still doing this, and readily available information on the internet that explains the origins of the practice and how prevalent it still is, the makers of the video still seemed to believe that it was smoking gun evidence. They gave this topic a fair amount of time in the video. If they'd spent even a fraction of that time doing a Google search, they'd have realized it's utterly specious and proves nothing.

I think maybe Barely Sociable (who made the video) didn't do much research, and was instead pushing an agenda.

submitted by /u/jessquit
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/giuee8/just_a_comment_about_the_twospace_thing_in_the/
