Why does BTC manage to have an absurdly higher price than BCH when BTC's stats don't line up with those of BCH?

Just yesterday, I went onto bitinfocharts.com and looked at the statistics of volume and other things on the BCH network when compared to the BTC network. The only thing that I can see in terms of statistics that actually reflect the price difference is in the hashrate. When it comes to transactions per day, BCH has 1/6th of the number of daily transactions when compared to BTC. When it comes to average transaction value, BCH transactions are 1/8th the value of BTC transactions. Despite BCH having much better stats than what is reflected in its price, why does BTC still remain 41x more valuable? The math doesn't add up to me.

submitted by /u/1MightBeAPenguin
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/gk3rdx/why_does_btc_manage_to_have_an_absurdly_higher/
