Frustrated splitting coins

I have, well I had a wallet with 100% pre-fork coins. Positive about it. I sent 1$ to coinex and the BCHA didn't show up. Great, guess I'll have to do it the hard way, even though there's no reason why the BCHA shouldn't have shown up too.

Import keys to Electron Cash. I have the latest version for mac capitan. Follow the instructions mostly here -

I don't see the branches, but whatever, probably some computer science guy who just assumes people know what those are and where they are. Whatever, I saw a youtube video of a guy and he picked the server and the tax coin servers for BCH and BCHA respectively. Send the BCH no problem. then try the tax coin server and just the server (whatever that means). It says can't connect to server.

So yea I have no idea what's happening and the instructions aren't working but my coins might still be split, but I don't really know what's going on.

submitted by /u/TheFireKnight
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