The Bitcoin HODL Moment: A Spiritual Experience.

I have had 3 deeply spiritual experiences in my life. The immediate moment after smoking DMT, meeting my fiancé, and the HODL epiphany. All in that order, across a 2 year period — almost exactly 12 months in between.

DMT: I first learned of DMT in 2007, when I was 21. Everything I heard about it scared the living daylights out of me. Ocassionally I would read up, hear stories of those who had trekked deep into the Amazon to sample ayahuasca, and watch the odd Joe Rogan clip. But it was too much for me.

Then one day my life turned to chaos. In the space of a month, my girlfriend jumped ship, my company spectacularly crashed, debt spiked, before crippling sciatica and insomnia set in. I wanted to die. Not suicide, but die with dignity and bow out with some honour — cancer maybe.

In that darkest week, the strangest thing happened. 3 people out of nowhere started spouting off about DMT. My barber, a random dude at a bar, and an old friend I ran into at a crypto conference (I wasn’t a crypto believer at the time, just curious).

At the end of the week I tell my close friend of the weird coincidences around DMT I was experiencing, and that “maybe I should try it”. The following day he calls me up and says “you’re not going to believe this, I have DMT in my hand right now, a friend gave it to me… for free, thats the DMT code”.

Well if there ever was a sign to try, this was it.

That weekend we ventured out of town with a glass bulb in hand. One drag in… a female voice said to me “welcome, you’re in good hands, it’s ok”, second drag in… the room starts to break apart, and third drag… well, who knows, I was in a different dimension.

The next day I woke up and saw the world with a fresh set of eyes. I’ve never looked back.

Fiancé: Until I met my fiancé, I was anti-marriage, anti-engagement. I thought I knew what love is, but marriage wasn’t for me. A social construct I just couldn’t buy into. Then one day I walk through a door, talk to a girl on a brown couch who is reading the same rare book as me, and we hit it off.

6 months later to the day, I propose to her, without hesitation, without doubt, fully convinced she is my soulmate.

The HODL Moment: I didn’t really know what this was until yesterday when I came across Michael Saylor, who was sharing a similar insight to the profound experience I had.

Once you’ve had this epiphany, you don’t want to sell Bitcoin. In fact you’re like “how the F do I redeploy more wealth across to Bitcoin … FAST”. And then you ask the question … “who in their right mind would trade this stuff, eventually others are going to have the same experience, and the price will sky rocket… with the chance to own wholly undiluted Bitcoins — GONE”.

What led to the epiphany…? What caused the moment you may ask?

It didn’t happen overnight. I almost bought 5 BTC in 2014 as a small punt after some weird teenage blockchain developer was going on about it at a co-working space. He was crazy, but I love crazy, so I listened. The friction purchasing it at the time was too much of a distraction and I kept forgetting to buy as I pushed forward in my career as a tech startup bro.

Then comes 2020. What the heck…

Nothing in this system makes sense. The manual has been thrown out… It’s like well established economic models and political theories have been uninvented. This system is about to break, and break badly.

Then one day amidst the chaos as a joke I say outloud “well only Bitcoin can save us now”. At that moment, I had the epiphany. BITCOIN! It’s f*****g Bitcoin. The world has been trying to tell me for the last 6 years it’s Bitcoin and I finally get it.

HODL, I’ve come to learn, is a belief system equal to knowing you are one with the universe. Until you’ve had this experience, you probably don’t know what Bitcoin really is, or could/will do. It’s going to upend the world. It’s a virus where the only cure is becoming one with it.

The Bitcoin and re-emergence of pyschedelics in the west, are part of the same agenda.

HODL for life.

Madge xx

submitted by /u/MadgeSpeaks
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