Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Bitcoin helped me earn money in Nigeria

Thank you Bitcoin. The banks in Nigeria dont connect to any internet accounts so it's always a problem to receive fiat money here. The niara is considered monopoly money here. For the last year I've been earning from the internet. Bitcoin is helping me to get by much better than making $1 a day with money most people don't want to accept! It was helping earn some extra profit but for now its stack until the next bull run.

This is a post for people who are in countries similar to the situation here in Nigeria. Bitcoin can change your life. It has for me. Next time somebody offers you PP or WU ask for them to send Bitcoin. It's faster and easier once your client understands it.

You may get lucky if they already have some tucked away. Then the only problem is getting them to let go of it :P

submitted by /u/BillionaireBobby1
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